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War For Earth


The Bastion is a futuristic concept of Metaverse in War for Earth game; a metaverse, which consists of 15 districts with each district having 1000 Turfs. These turfs can be owned, bought, sold, and in the near future deeply customized. We wanted to create a peaceful environment away from the real world hustle and bustle by offering user a piece of land on beautiful islands.

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Every Bastion Metaverse land NFT has a unique land plot that will generate a passive income by providing a part of all War for Earth ecosystem incomes to each landowner.

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The Bastion is designed as a unique Metaverse consists of 15 Island. These different islands represent game level; giving opportunity to all landowners to earn passive income, as each plot of Mars is represents a unique NFT. Receive passive revenue as a percentage of all Bastion ecosystem incomes.

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War for Earth Players

Through hosting game, selling fuel Other novel earning methods. With multiple ways to earn, every player can benefit from the War for Earth ecosystem

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A female warrior who has served the United States military and is a hand to hand combat expert and champion. Rebecca is a tough, stern, but beautiful ex commander of the Special Forces. She is very intelligent, strong, fearless, and independent. Despite her pampered background, Rebecca is tough as nails, and displays an almost unmatched will to live. She thrives when she's alone and adventuring, though these tendencies do often put her at serious risk. Rebecca has extensive training in martial arts since she was trained by the very best. While she has learned many different fighting styles over the years, her favorite is kickboxing.






Gorkar is a priestess who interprets the motions of the stars to determine when to fight. He does not have a large number of abilities, but has one unique to it "foresight and magical powers". Gorkar was born on the aquatic planet Tarmax during the final years of the Galactic Republic.






Fou'car is the strongest and the most resilient species within the King Te'loch army. A typical Fou'car usually stands between 3.66 meters (12.0 ft.) and 3.96 meters (13.0 ft.) tall, but crouches to between 2.44 meters (8.0 ft.) and 2.59 meters (8.5 ft.) when in its combat state to protect its unarmored stomach and neck. A Fou'car can become larger than even a standard alien. Fou'car fight primarily by using the sonic gun integrated directly into his armor on one arm. On the other arm, he wear metal armor that protects him from almost every form of plasma -based or ballistic weaponry available to human infantry and is a powerful melee tool capable of crushing anything in its path and allowing the Fou'car to sweep away most enemies in close combat. Despite his immense mass, the Fou'car is surprisingly nimble and can gain a surprising burst of speed when he moves in for a melee kill.


Emilia Sutton


Mercenary Commander


Isiah Jacobs, also known as Jack, and formerly known as Venom, was a renowned Special Forces operative and mercenary commander. He founded U.S. Army Special Forces Unit HUNTER, along with the mercenary company Militia Frontline. Isiah Jacob aka Jack later established the military states of The Bastian as bases for his companies, in order to realize his ambitions of creating a nation for soldiers. Isiah has spent most of his career fighting in the shadows. He's been shot, captured, abandoned, blown up, locked up, tortured, and left for dead. Isiah is a veteran of military operations in nearly every conflict-prone corner of the world, distinguishing himself with acts of gallantry and intrepidity. His achievements have risen to the stuff of regimental history.


Var'set Ch’laur


Mercenary Commander


The Tarmax are a race of shape shifting aliens who have attempted to conquer the Earth, most notably during World War II and again in the early 21st century. Var'set belongs to the Tarmax world and his story began on an unknown planet where he undertook the trials required to become Elite in the presence of Tarmax clan leader and Hunter. He quickly mastered melee combat, and then proceeded to Learn how to use the iconic Plasma caster weapon. With the trials completed, he was promoted to the rank of Elite and dispatched along with two others to the earth, to investigate a distress call sent by his soldiers who were taking part in their first hunt in the deserted Island "The Bastion". As with all Predaliens, the Var'set displayed strength and resilience far beyond any common Xenomorph strain; it was even able to survive submerged in magma for a short while, and its skin was durable enough to resist a blast from a plasma caster near point-blank without any visible damage. The Var'set was assigned to attack the human colonists of The Bastion, as well as the Colonial army deployed to the Island. His ultimate job is to wipe out the humans from the Island and established a Tarmax center on Earth.


King Te'loch




In the beginning, an alien race called the Urid allegedly created King Te'loch and set him loose upon the universe resulting the mass extinction of countless alien races including the inhabitants of the now inhospitable world of Milky Planet. The Ur'id dynasty later gave King Telloc to the Tarmax who sent him to Earth inside a magnetic rock to test out Earth's defenses before trying to conquer it. After freeing himself from the rock, King Te'loch went on a rampage across different part of the earth, destroying everything in his path.






Ha'ronar is well-known in the Tarmax as a "Warrior" brood. They are also called Predaliens. Ha'roner looks like an Alien with a spike-covered turtle shell. Not much is known about this type except that it's resistant to high-caliber ammunition. The Predalien looks much the same as an ordinary Alien, except it has Predator mandibles on its mouth and has the enlarged sharp forehead of a Predator with an armored body. Ha'ronar type predaliens are incredibly strong, easily capable of outmatching a conditioned adult human male in unarmed combat and able to land blows that can shatter solid concrete. They are capable of tearing a human's head and spine from the body with little effort. This strength evidently extends to their lower bodies as well, as alien have been seen to jump up to three times their own height, and are capable of falling up to ten times their height and landing safely on their feet. Once their prey has been silenced. Ha'ronar has been sent to the Bastion alongside his master King Teloch and commander Var'set to eliminate human from the Island of the bastion.


Jack The Lieutenant




A lone warrior who tracks down those in power, executes them, and then vanishes without claiming any reward. Blayne doesn't care about "small talk" and being around people all the time. He's the kind of guy who's fine by himself, doing his own thing and living life on his terms. He is a real demon lord, meaning he's powerful and few characters are on part with his strength. You could say this is the reason he's a lone wolf and chooses to walk his own path, searching for strong opponents to fight. But really - he's just independent and likes to do things by himself. That's what drives the lone warrior in War for Earth, though that does change a little along the way. That's not to say he doesn't have a heart, interest in others or he can't interact with people. In fact - he's one of the most confident characters in the game. But... he's too independent to rely on others, and doesn't need anyone telling him what to do. He's proactive and works well by themselves.



Holding Assets

Earning Method 1

Purchase land or mint NFTs and unlock
multiple ways of earning. Landowners who
host battles will receive tax from
every player who participates. Additionally,
as popularity and gameplay increase,
as will the value of real estate
and NFTs.

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Earning Method 2

Playing is a way for everyone to earn whether
you're a landowner or not. Compete in battles,
climb leaderboards and receive tokens
depending on your performance. Also,
some game types are live-streamed,
offering viewers the option
to place wagers with one

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Earning Method 3

Frequently, random rare NFTs and in-game
items will be dropped for players to pick up,
giving everyone an equal opportunity to own
some of the game's most lucrative
items – the more you play,
the higher chance you’ll
find one.

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Take Over the World

Set in ‘The Bastion’ this metaverse game pits player against each other in an array of play-to-fun and play to earn game modes. Go head to head or assemble a clan of fellow warriors to take on your enemy. With many ways to ear, and a rewarding ecosystem for all participants, War for Earth is the ideal opportunity for gamers, businesses, and venture capitalists to establish themselves in the metaverse.

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Metaverse Land for sale
