Story | War For Earth



Introduction to the game

Set in ‘The Bastion’ this metaverse game pits players against each other in an array of play-for-fun and play-to-earn game modes. Go head-to-head or assemble a clan of fellow warriors to take on your enemy. With many ways to earn, and a rewarding ecosystem for all participants, War for Earth is the ideal opportunity for gamers, businesses, and venture capitalists to establish themselves in the metaverse.

1. History

No one knows how long it has been since the world ended. Since the dust choked sky blotted out the sun, and the irradiated land sucked life away. Years have passed since anyone has seen a flower bloom, or birds take to the skies. History has been lost to time, as memories grow hazy and records rust and wither.Most believe it to be a Great War between nations, the War to End All Wars.


2. Aliens Invasion

In a land created by war, war continued on. As resources were scarce, clans and lone wanderers fought to control them. Battlefields erupted all over the world, in the high hills to the lowest coasts. From the frozen north to the blasted deserts of the south the wheel of war continued to spin, grinding ever onward and leaving those in its wake to become warriors and soldiers. All of this changed, however, when a discovery was made. Deep in the craters where the mighty weapons of the ancients ruined the world, a group of explorers set out to find a way to wield the fury of the past.They did not expect what they found.


3. Bastion Is all That is Left

Set against the backdrop of Bastion Island, a secret military project's signal is received by an alien civilization, which plans to invade Earth, while on Earth different camps start forming to either welcome the superior beings or to fight against the invasion.


Choose Your Syndicate

Welcome to the battle – the battle to establish yourself as a key player, crown yourself as a kingpin turf owner, Time to eliminate the aliens from bastion island.. Are you READY?
